festa time!

by 11:19 0 comments
26° in Nadadouro  19° in Portreath

This week has been one of the noisiest of my entire life (music festivals excluded)!  Nadadouro is in festa mode.  This basically means lots of fire crackers, dodgy 'Pemba' music (sort of Euro pop goes folky), loads of drink and meat and late nights.  The bands start at about 11pm and finish around 3ish.

On Sunday, day 2 of the festa, i heard some band music coming from down the lane.  Ever curious i saw our neighbours down the street waiting for something.  I called Dave and we plonked ourselves outside to see what the crack was.  First came 6 women holding Our Lady, which looked awfully heavy.  Then a bishop underneath a canopy holding a gruesome looking crucifix - you've gotta love the catholics for drama - then followed by the band.  I snapped away at the procession and suddenly realised they were grinding to a halt - crap organisation from the padre i reckon - and were all staring at me, like i was on show.  Dave ducked back into the house like a coward and i was left standing there on my lonesome.  Not only that but then the whole village - tucked around the corner in their sunday best - started tromping past at a funereal pace.  The only thing of interest for them to look at was me - fitted out in cowboy hat and shades - awkwardly waving occasionally - saying 'boa tarde' and wishing i'd followed my hubby into the safety of viewing through the blinds!

Last week i saw all the neighbours painting their houses, we even commented about their pride and hard work.  Rubbish, they didn't want the whole village to turn their noses up at them.  Our house by the way is still hanging - really looking like poverty, peeling paint, a million shades from white.

I'll be ready for them next year!! x

the magic valley


This blog was born when I left the UK and started a new adventure on the Silver Coast of Portugal. Being settled on the salty shores of the Atlantic is just idyllic; love, sun, sea and smiles, the perfect life for me.


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