26° in Nadadouro 15° in Portreath
Yesterday we were invaded by PT, the british equivalent of BT. 3 guys appeared, one went up the nearby phone mast, one on our roof and the other in the house drilling for his life. The guy on the roof decided he only wanted to use 2 cable clips for a 20 metre span, at which point, Dave started getting blue in the face and telling in no uncertain terms that the guy was taking the p**s out of us just because we don't speak Portuguese. Thankfully our friendly publican from around the corner (who can speak the lingo) came to intervene, and told him a polite translation of Dave's rantings. In the end we offered them water, coffee then reluctantly beer, only to be turned down. But hey the job was completed. Made me think there was a joke in there somewhere - how many men does it take to change a light bulb sort of thing .... It was only a week or 2 late, so not too bad in the scheme of laid back living. We are now online at home ... bliss!
Then it only took me about 10 hours to suss out how to connect just because all of the instructions are in Portuguese (surprise surprise) and my translation widget only does about 50 words at a time. Fun fun fun!
We had a lovely evening stroll around our 'hood' a couple of nights ago. We got trailed by a sweet little Wheaton terrier which we named Kenny. He came for about 2 miles, at which point Jacob decided that he really wanted a dog! and that maybe Kenny was the one, despite the fact that we had seen his owner about half an hour before. A few metres before we got home we worried (unnecessarily) about how Kenny would find his way home - only to be met by our local dog bully, who spied a new dog on the block and gave chase. Poor Kenny legged it back round the corner and we legged it home! We haven't dared walk passed Kenny's house for fear of being responsible for any vet bills!! Maybe next weekend ... love ya xx
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